The Prochaska Family

The Prochaska Family
First Family Photos as a family of 4!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shoooweee...what a day!!!

I am pretty darn proud of myself, the last 2 weeks!! I have been getting up around 6:45am to get Ansley to school, and this week I have been walking each  morning with my friend Suzanne.  And I am beginning to feel the burn, but I am truly amazed at the energy I have now. I am loving the walking, but most of all the girl time! So cheesy, I know...but after living here for 5 years, I have finally met a true "girl" friend, we have so much fun together!! I love hanging out with her, talking our girl talk, exercising and overall just having a good start to our day!! Plus, I love that our children are so close in age, the girls are a yr apart and so are the boys. I think I see some great friendships blooming!!! Even though I have all this energyby the end of the day, line right now its bedtime, I am warn out and exhausted!! However, I had to blog about my day and a few other things!!

Funny story, yesterday, some how my alarm wasn't set, and at 7:33am Ansley comes into the room asking for milk...I jump up out of the bed yelling, holy cow, we are going to be late...let's go brush your teeth and hair and etc...needless to say we walked out of the house, and I had both kids, at 7:45am...yay, she was time for school. Though I did find out today that she seems to think her mommy is late picking her up! I was there with all the other parents...but she had a sour look, and informed me that I was late...well, alrighty then!! It was cute! Wow, my daughter is just like me!!! And thats funny because today I spent the day with my mom, and though I thought I would never in a million years say this, I can see myself turning into her, in certain ways of course!!! She and I were talking but at the time both our anxiety levels were high, and weren't yelling, just talking loudly...stressed out...anyway, Ansley says, "Are you guys arguing?" It was precious!! I had to tell her no, that mommy and mema were 2 peas in a pod and were just talking, she said umm, okay. But seriously, I know where my anxiety issues come from, or where I inherited them from, but my dad also had issues with anxiety. We had went to moms after I picked monkee up from school, well Adam was tired but wouldn't nap because he wasn't in a familiar place, so as all you mommies know, a cranky baby, makes for a cranky mommy! Well, Nick came over to show me his truck (story below), and also to look at something for my mom, then my brother stopped by so we could see Bradley's Clemson orange cast. He is still thinking whether or not he wants anyone to sign it!!! He is only 7!!! So the whole gang was decided to cook. While she was at the store, Nick went home to sleep, and Todd went home...and here I am left to handle mom!!! We worked it all out, Adam and I came home took naps and we all went back over and ate Spaghetti!!! Nothing like a home cooked meal to end your day!! And of course, I brought leftovers home for Nick, but umm, you know I will eat some too!!! Ansley decided to stay with mom, and I will pick her up from school. A nice little break...tho I miss snuggling!!! But all in all the point to that was, at the young age of 31, I am beginning to see my mother in me, in so many ways, but its good. My mom is a good woman, who unfortunately, has a lot of horrific situations that she has had to deal with! But she is still here and I love day we will probably have matching white coats, sharing a room!!

The buck hit the grill, rolled, hit side mirror, breaking it...

So as you all know Nick works nights, and he hasn't had the best of luck when it comes to animals in the road! Also, he takes the cell phone, since I am home and have the house phone. Well, he called me this am on Suzanne's phone, asking me was the hair standing up on my neck?? I thought he had passed us and I wasn't paying attention...nope, he was calling to let me know he was still in Greenwood and on his way to the Insurance was abt 8:30am...a buck, doe, and 2 babies decided that his truck looked like a great target...UGH! Are you kidding me...first it was a deer that hit the back, then he ran over a fox and now a whole family!!! Luckily, he is just fine. He keeps calm during those, I would have swerved, rolled, closed my eyes, screamed, prayed and probably blacked out...and then looked for my cell phone!! But he is really lucky, all the damage is cosmetic, nothing else was damaged (the frame, engine, radiator~everything all good)! Can you believe that? My husband has one busy guardian angel, but I am so thankful he has one!!

The doe took out the back side

Close up!
So, that is the truck...Now to decide what to do...fix, sale...or what...I am just thankful that he is okay! This poor truck though...I am telling you its a deer magnet!!! lol...but I really liked it...he has had it since we met and married. And monkee loves to ride with daddy, because she can look like a big girl, and have her hair blowing in the wind! Daddy likes to roll his windows down all the time...mommy, likes the mommy has long hair and it gets tanlged easily. Speaking of here is a good picture of my with my new hair style...and believe it or not, I am still trying to get used to it!!!

So looking forward to getting some new ink....
I am sure you have all been aware of the blog drama I have experienced...if not, then pay this no attention...However, I do want to clarify a few things...I wrote the blog, "to borrow means to return," when I was upset, and though I did mean it, I did not mean for it to sound as though my cousin is a bad mother. I don't think it potrayed her in that way, but I wanted to clarify. Thanks to someone's childish behavior, she read my blog, and our disagreement came to an agreement, apology and we are moving on! You know, like adults are supposed to do!!! Anywho...she is a good mother. Though her youngest daughter is small, she did inform that she has been to the doctor and all is that is good to know...But please keep them in your prayers, unfortunately, her hubby has to work out of town, which means she does a lot on her own...and its hard!!!

As for the cousin, that I was informed was not my kin family...haven't heard from her. Guess after having her mom facebook me, she felt better. Though I did try to txt and message her, she actually accused me of "blog blasting" how funny is that. I mean seriously, out of all the blogs in the world you pick mine to read and get angry over...well, umm, that tells me that I must have gotten to you, and maybe you should make some changes, but I don't care. We live in different states, and as her mother made it clear, we are not family. Though I am not quite sure how that works...because her hubby and children have my maiden name and are my family. Aww, whatever, it isn't worth the brain power to think about. Though I am wondering who led her to my blog. I mean by the time she read the blog it was abt 10 days old...heck, thats past...move on...but in my mind I have a few people that I think could be the guilty party, however, maybe she stumbled upon it on her own...

Moving on...Ansley started her second year of dance on Tuesday. She was so excited that when we got home from school at 10:35am, she immediately changed into her outfit and asked me every 15 minutes was it time to go!! I am excited too though. This year a great friend, fraternity sister and old college roommate, has also enrolled her daughter in the same class!! So, she and I will get to still get to see each other every week and catch up while the girls dance. I believe we have a best frienship in bloom with those two! Here is their first day of dance....

Ellie and Ansley

Well, I believe that about wraps it up for the week, well its only Wednesday, but boy it seems longer than that!! Oh, and I have also been busy "Fall" cleaning, and let me tell you IT FEELS GREAT!!! I am getting rid of all kinds
 of stuff...took donations to Salvation Army, Helping Hands of Woodruff...going to the consignment shop on feels good getting it out of my house, but also it really feels good to know that I am helping others...oh, and I took some clothes and a diaper bag to a friend, she and her hubby are foster parents, and in the adoption process!!! Keep them in your prayers too!!!

It feels good to be my life...enjoying my family and friends...laughing about the childish stuff...smiling at all the good stuff...its good to be I am off to read, "Heaven, is for real" good so far...based on a little boys experience of going to heaven and coming back...

On another note...I am asking for you to please keep my friends, the Quarles' in your prayers tonight, tomorrow and everyday if you can. Thursday would have been and still is Erik's 7th birthday!! This is their older son, they also have twin daughters!!! I know its going to be a tough day, and I know everyday is a struggle, but they are strong...whether they realize it or not...she has a great blog, and you can read all about her and experience....My life without Erik, go and check it out! Its a wonderful tribute to a wonderful young man and of course his sisters too!!!

Hmm...okay, I think that about covers it for me! Ready for the weekend...going to stay with my brother and sister in law...celebrate our nephews 6th  birthday and just have a good time let the kids play and hanging out!! Who knows, I may speak some chinese!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Just real quick

I needed to make some corrections, well one correction to a blog that I had posted...after this correction, the situation is here by squashed...

1. My Senior Consultant, aka my cousin, who deleted me from the team page did so because it came from our director that she didn't need to have a page for consultants but one for customers, so in that I am wrong when I say she deleted just myself. My apologies.

2. I was informed that she is not my cousin, just married to my family...

So that covers it. Sorry about the error, but I was taught to admit when I was wrong. However, that whole if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it...apparently it didn't sink in well...(plus I typed it...just sayin).

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A guilty conscience needs no accuser.-Proverb

I thought I would start this blog a little differently than others, well at least different to me! For those of you reading my blog, I thought I would give you a little more background on myself. I know some of you already know this but there is always another point to my "madness."

I have always loved to write. Always. I have kept journals, some that got me in trouble with my from there I turned to poetry. I write what I feel at that moment, however, sometimes I have to cool down or well, it wouldn't be a good thing. Anyhow, so when I graduated high school and went to college, I finally decided upon Mass Communications as my major, in other words, journalism and broadcasting. I loved it! What a great field to go into for a person that loves to write!! So, basically what I am saying here is, well, I will continue to blog about my life as I live it. There is something that is just so calming about blogging, it's like therapy. No pretending, tell it like it is...use no names and let guilty ones weep in their own puddle. Fortunately, most everyone is familiar with our first know the one I am talking about..."freedom of speech." With that being noted, let me just say, do not ever call my phone again and threaten me. Personally, the way I see it, guilty people will always try to turn it around on you so you feel guilty for calling them out. Which brings me to another point, considering how far you are behind on reading my blogs, apparently a current reader filled you in. You know is all good. For you see, tonight when I lay down on my pillow, say my nightly prayers, and drift off to dreamland, my conscience will be clear. Okay, enough of that crap...let's  move on.

Believe it or not, Ansley has already missed her first day of school for this year. She has gotten a cold, and decided to bring it on home to the rest of the house! She was feeling so bad Thursday night and sleeping so rough that right before the alarm went off, she was sleeping so peaceful that I couldn't wake her. She needed that sleep. Well, at exactly, 7:55am, she came and wanted to know when we were leaving for school. I explained to her why she wasn't going, and it broke her heart! This child loves school and her teachers. Let's hope she keeps that attitude for the next 15 yrs or so!! Poor Adam has a runny nose...Nick is all stuffed up, Ansley is a little of both and for the moment I am okay, as long as I take my xanax, oops, I mean my Zyrtec! Whatever it takes to keep me sane....:)

We had a good weekend overall. Saturday we went to a friends birthday party, he turned 2 years old!! His mother and I met when Ansley and her daughter started taking dance last year. We decided that we were destined to meet and become good friends. Her daughter and Ansley are a year apart, and both our sons are also abt a year apart. This time last year when I was huge and pregnant with Adam, her little man was beginning to walk...and just to see how much he has grown over the last year! Wow!!! So we went to his birthday and celebrated and of course lets the kids play!! Now, I will not tell a lie, I had some fun with the sidewalk chalk...but the bubbles, not so much, my fat fingers couldn't get the stick out of the bottle! It was a good time. So you are probably asking yourself why were we destined to meet. I had a cousin who was abt my age, maybe a year younger or maybe a year older, I am not exactly sure. We had met a few times. He was a great guy, handsome, but would you expect anything else from our was in college when the accident happened. I remember finding out about Gabe's passing, and then having to go and take the Praxis. We never know why God chooses to take the good ones, but sometimes its the best ones he takes, but having faith in God allows us to know he is in Heaven, at peace and always with us. His name is Kenneth Gabriel, we called him Gabe, and apparently, I had a crush on him when we were little...not realizing we were cousins, but hey, this is the South....JUST KIDDING!!!! Okay, back on topic. It turns out my friend's son is named Bryson Gabrielle, and yes it is after my cousin. Wow, I thought to myself what a small world! Gabe's father is her uncle...anyways, she and I have really hit it off! She knows my aunt and uncle and I believe we have some other mutual friends and family. But over the last year she and I have gotten to be good friends, so have our girls...and just before school started, I reminded her that our play dates wont end...since our boys are so close in age!! I think it's great. I sit and think about 10 years from now, how they will all be playing...cheesy, I know, but I love it! So, anyway, we knew that we were destined to meet and become good friends!

On another note, Ansley went to bed tonight without her tv. Her sassy mouth, (I have no idea where she gets that from), once again got her in trouble. She has been talking back to mommy and daddy, nothing serious, but mumbling under her breath and occasionally saying rude comments. Tonight, her punishment was no tv. She cried for a bit, but by the time I was out of the shower she was fast asleep and I am willing to bet that she will be awake in the morning before the alarm goes off. Naturally, Adam went to bed with no problems, he is pretty good about taking naps and going to bed, though that may have jinxed it! Ha!! I will say that Ansley has been doing much better with napping.

That was our time, the best time. Now we are starting a new week, and on the calendar it doesn't look crazy, but I am sure that will change! Ansley starts dance on Tuesday, she is excited!! And I must say that I am happy about the time change!!! Her class is now earlier, which for a child her age, it makes the night easier on me...well, I think anyways!!!

I do have some prayer requests...first, please pray for my nephew Bradley, he broke his arm tonight outside playing, and can you believe that they do not set the breaks in the ER anymore?? Now they just stabilize it until you can get to an orthopedic doctor. Second, pray for some very close friends of mine, this coming Thursday would have been their son's 7th birthday. You can read about her journey here, it's entitled My life without Erik. We are going to celebrate his life, on Saturday at his Nana's house. Please pray that my children, and that includes the hubby, all begin to feel better soon, and that mommy doesn't catch it!!! And say a prayer for all those who need it, and because of Irene there are a lot of prayers that need to be sent up...and pray for those you may dislike, it wont hurt you, there is a reason people choose to lead the lives they live, we have to pray that they find their way to God. On that note, hope everyone has a fantastic week!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Want some cheese with that whine...

Ladies, you know what I am talking about Mother Nature and her oh so sweet gift she delivers to us! I mean really, what is the purpose? I am trying, well taking, Seasonique, its the birth control where you only have your period every 3 months...hahaha...right! Apparently, my body misread the instructions on the box! The first 3 months were awful, the second 3 months not too bad, but right now, the heating pad is my bff! Plus, I am really hurting at my incision, you know, from my C-Section. I am thinking it's probably because I used those muscles and haven't in a long time, but let me tell you, it is painful!! I know, I know...lots of complaining! I am just in a blah mood and do not feel well! I need some of Ansley's energy from her bubble!!

Adam and I took my truck this am to have the oil changed, while there I asked the gentleman could they vacuum it. His reply was, their vacuum isn't heavy duty and the wash and vacuum would be $15 dollars extra plus another hour waiting...needless to say my truck is still dirty, and there are still crumbs in the floor! I blame the anyways, today was also ladies day, so the oil change was half off, and I got a free mini manicure. Not bad! Oooooh, the best part, Adam was good!! I ended up feeding him breakfast there, so I am sure that made for a happy baby!

Back to complaining....why is it that when you don't feel very well, your daughter, at least in my case, decides this the day she wants to be sassy. No matter what I ask her to do, I get a sassy response. Like right now, she and Adam have most of my tupperware all over the kitchen floor, I asked her to pick it up and play with some of her toys, her reply "I don't want to play with my toys." Great, then lets throw them away, No mommy you will not throw them away.

I can say that I am excited about the Switch A Roos Consignment here in Spartanburg this weekend, and since I am a consignor, I get to go Thursday night for the pre-sale. I am actually going to go through Ansley's closet and see what kind of shirts she needs, sweaters, and what not...oh, and dance leotards! Well, my plan is do that! At the rate I am going I am liable to be in bed at 8p with the kids! Seriously, though I am excited to see everything that the consignment sale will have...even if I don't purchase anything, its still so much fun to look! They have everything you can think of and even some items you wouldn't think of! So if you are in the area, it will be this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Spartanburg Auditorium, and Sunday is half off, if the consignor allows it...and of course it is free to get in!!!

One last complaint for the you know I am an Independent Consultant for Thirty One...well, they have re-written their policies and procedures for online use, basically, I can't have a fan page, I can however, have a private group, but I can't ask anyone to book parties or check out my Are you kidding me, now how I am I supposed to really get the word out there about the online catalog, specials and so on. I wonder what happened for them to make these changes. And for the record, my senior consultant aka the habitual liar, aka my cousin, deleted my off her group page! Now that is leadership for you!! Way to set an example...but its okay by me, I would much rather talk with a director that I already know. So, if you are interested in the great products, let me know! Would love to book some parties!!

Well, I am going to begin the nightly routine for the children. Argh, I wish I felt better or that these cleaning fairies or my fairy godmother would show up and take charge for a little bit and let me rest...but since that's not going to happen, hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Busy Bee...Ansley

Wow, what a whirlwind it has been the last few weeks. It had me almost wondering if my anxiety meds were really working! I know this blog is about my life and what happens, but unfortunately, I can't really discuss a certain situation. So why I am writing about it to really write around it, you may ask? Well, lets just say it truly had an impact on me. It definitely made me think, and begin to reevaluate a few areas in my life. I like to think of it as a wake up/warning call from God. And why yes, I most definitely took the hint or kick in the butt rather! All in all lets just say it turned out positive. Last week was hectic. Just the thought of it alone had my anxiety rushing. Somehow, all of my appointments got scheduled in the same week, we had visitation from Ansley's teachers, a playdate and went to my moms in there too. The playdate was a blast. We went to the Children's Museum in Greenville, and I think we had just as much fun as the kids did...including Adam, looking forward to going back there again.

Speaking of Ansley and her teachers, let me tell you about an incident. For those of you who actually know Ansley, she is a very intelligent and well behaved 3 yr old. Now of course we have our issues, but that is normal. Anyhow, she is a part of the 3K program at Woodruff Primary School, which it seems that if you ask any moms out there in the community, this program is for slow children, behavioral problems and so on. (I think you get the point). It is a horrible stigma that is attached to this program. My daughter is none of the above. As of today there are only 4 students in her class, and I believe there can be 10. These children are tested and selected for the program. Now yes, some of the children do need help in some areas, for example, my nephew, was a part of this class and he went to speech. Well, trying to make a long story short...another parent just really ticked me off. At first she was interested in trying to get her child into the program, but when I asked how the testing went, I was told that she wasn't going through with it. She had been informed that program could actually have the opposite affect on her child. These children in this program were "slow", had behavioral issues, and for the most part aren't disciplined at home. I was really offended. My daughter has learned so much in this class. She can already write the letter "A", recognize it in words along with many other letters. She still uses her manners, behaves, and is no way affected by undisciplined children. What an awful way to categorize children. It just makes me so angry that some of these parents are so uppity that they are too good for certain programs, and not mention people! I am thankful for the opportunity given to Ansley to start school, she loves it and it gives me a couples hours in the am to get things done. Okay, stepping down from that soap box.

Ansley's first day of school

Speaking of school, Monday was her first day. She was too cute and super excited! I asked if she wanted me to walk with her to her classroom and she quickly told me, "No mom, I know where my class is." Most parents are crushed, I was okay...more amazed at her answer than anything! She loves school! She talks about how she plays on the playground, reads books, eats a snack and she drinks her milk cold! Which you see is a big deal, because here at home, it must be warm for her to drink it. Tonight she told me that she likes it cold, but that I can continue to warm it up, that is okay with her! She cracks me up sometimes! We have been trying to get her into a routine each day and night, but last night she picked up the phone, (when she was supposed to be asleep) and hit redial, luckily my brother was the last person I had talked too, so she called him and talked to him and Bradley. And then tonight the phone rang and it was her Uncle Mike, Nicks brother, she answered the phone then!!! (Again, she was supposed to be sleeping). Sitting downstairs on the couch I could hear her talking to her dolls and stuffed animals and then silence...she must have finally fallen asleep. That child is one big bubble full of energy. If only I could just borrow some of it, maybe the house would be cleaner...dinner would be cooked, clothes folded and put away...then again who am I kidding...I have kids, my house is clean compared to what it could be!!!

Over the weekend we had company, some friends of ours, and their little girl Ellie. Her mom and I go back to our freshmen year at Lander where we both cheered on the cheerleading squad, pledged ZTA, and became roommates! And now we have signed our little girls up for dance!! And they both will be taking the same class!!! I love it! It was a good day...after dance registration, the girls played and we ate steak, yummy!!! Then we just relaxed the rest of the day! I couldn't have asked for a better weekend or better friends! I also went to college with her hubby, and Nick has been playing softball with him the last year and a half.

I think that about catches me up. I know I mentioned a incident with another cousin but never went into any specifics, I am trying to decide if she is really worth my time blogging about. When basically, it boils down to her being a habitual liar, and unfortunately uses her children's illnesses to get attention...however, for the record, I am very glad that her children are okay and that her son is in remission since he started treatment. But as an individual, she is not someone I want to be associated with. And really the whole incident was childish, but I had enough of her lies. I just can't wrap my brain around habitual liars and why they do it.

Red hair

I am planning to try and post more often, but believe it or not, I am exhausted. I have been getting up, granted its only been 2 6:45am and getting monkee ready for school and then feeding Adam. But it still makes for a long day. And I quite proud of myself, I have gotten up with no problems, and the same with monkee! Oh, and I have to say that I have the greatest hubby in the world. He came home from picking up Ansley from my moms on Friday and surprised me with a massage!! He had made the appointment while he was out! Oh, it was come its one of those addictions that you don't ever want to end!!! Also, I decided to color my hair...I was bored. Normally, I am dirty blonde, and usually lighten it...well not this time. I let Nick pick out the color, and he chose that's right, my hair is red!!  We have a busy few weeks ahead of us...with school, dance and birthday parties!! The life of a parent, there is never a dull moment! I love it.

Also, please say a prayer for some of my friends. One friend has chosen to leave her husband, a decision that was a good choice for her but very hard. She really needs uplifting. An another friend who is fighting to her daughter back. She already has full custody, but if I understand correctly, she moved out of state, but allowed the dad to have his visitation and now he wont allow her to come home. Amazing isn't it. Sometimes the laws of our country are just downright stupid! And remember to smile and kill them with least that is what I am learning to do, that and delete them on facebook!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

to borrow means to return...

As a kid I always looked forward to the day when I would be out of school and no longer dealing with drama...then came college and more drama, and I couldn't wait to just get out into the real world and start my life, well guess what, drama came with that too. For the most part I have learned to ignore it, as I still find it childish, but in a few cases I have succumbed to the childish level of others and entered the world of drama! I know you all probably find that so hard to believe...but it's true.

Now I am on my third draft of this blog...still trying to decide how to discuss this issue. And really if this is the Life I live, then I might as well just tell it like it is or there is no reason to have my blog. There was a time when I didn't trust anyone, you had to prove yourself to me first. As I have gotten older I have veered from this way of thinking. I have become a lot nicer, and tolerant of people and their behavior. I have actually read that having children makes you more sentimental, softer, nicer, overall a better person. Now of course, we all know that in the real world,some parents are just plain dumb and worse, they are mean. So again, I am here finding myself tiptoe around the situation. Certainly, you are reading this blog for a reason, and it isn't to read excuses of why I can't tell it like it screw it, here goes...

We all have family, we all feel like we can trust our family, that we are blood and thats thicker than water, whatever that means. Well, its unfortunate that in my family there are some that can't be trusted as far as you can throw them, thankfully they are distant relatives, but well, they still have my maiden name and have definitely made a name for themselves.

When I had Ansley I kept everything. I bought a huge tupperware container and put her clothes in them as she out grew them, each container was labeled with all the contents and sizes. Naturally, most everything was pink, since she was the first female Prochaska in over 60 years. A cousin found out she was pregnant, and she didn't have anything at all, they were living in government housing were about to have their vehicle repossessed and so on. I told her that she was more than welcome to BORROW, Ansley's things such as her crib, changing table, a wipe warmer, mattress, sheets, bumper, stroller, car seat, and all of her clothes from 0-6 months. By this point she did already know it was a girl. I told her that all I asked is that if anything is stained just throw it away. I didn't want the stained items. Luckily, I took out her coming home outfit and a few other very important outfits. Within a week of telling her that she could use everything she had found a way to come all the way to Woodruff, and pick everything up. I told her there was no rush, Ansley was about 18 months and we had no need for any of it, but please keep it together because I wanted it back. Really, would I go to the trouble of buying containers, labeling them with the contents and sizes, if I was just going to discard them? So here we are almost 2 years later...Ansley will be 4 in December, and Adam will be 1 in October. When I first found out that I was pregnant with Adam I told her that I wanted the clothes back, but not the crib or changing table because she was still using them and I wouldn't ask for them back. She kindly filled me in on how she wasn't sure which clothes were whose and that oddly her daughter was just now wearing 6 month old clothes...WTC! Her daughter would soon be a year old...and she was this tiny, my first thoughts are...take your child to the doctor! Well, the time came when we found out we were having a boy, but I still texted her and told her that I wanted my things back, at least the clothes. She wanted to know why, I was having a boy, why did I want all these girl things! Well, for starters, they are mine and basically that is what it really boils down too, but at the same time there were several items that Adam could also use. Here came the excuses...again, everything was mixed up, she was still using them, she had no way to get them to me...then she asked why I wanted them back. Other than the fact that they belonged to me, there were sentimental reasons, but also monetary ones too. I consign my children's clothes so that I can buy them new clothes for the next season. She asked, could she purchase everything from me because she had a friend that needed it all. I talked to Nick and we agreed that was fine. Of course, she couldn't pay a lot, but we came to the agreement of $150, and she would send us the money at tax time. Naturally, you know the next part, or it wouldn't be a blog!! No money...again I have contacted her and wanted to know when she was going to return my belongings. She tried to say that her daughter was just now in 12 months, well thats great, because all you borrowed of mine was 0-6 months...she said she was done with the crib and changing table as well! Great! You can now return it all. I thought it was a simple yet great plan. However, she didn't. Personally, I think its funny because via text she is cursing me and telling me how she is not dealing with high school drama...and that I had given the items to her, I had said it right in front of another cousin and his wife...bahaaaahahahaa...umm, take a moment to laugh, I had too. Number 1, I would never give anything away, I allowed you to "borrow" it, but you don't know what that means, number 2, I didn't say anything in front of either one of them, when it comes to lies, honey they are by far worse than you.(yes, that is kinda like a compliment). Finally I told her the bottom line was, I allowed her to borrow the items, and I wanted them returned. She had figured out a way to come and get them all, she can figure out a way to bring it back. She exclaimed that I haven't been home the few times she has tried to bring it...I never answered the phone. I told her she could leave it on my porch, my neighbors wont steal...So long story short, turns out that me trying to help her and her family, backfired. I never got a thank you note, never got anything returned, I was lied too and it really pisses me off. I am still trying to get the items back, though unfortunately, she is a liar and a thief and I will never get the items in question returned.

You know, it really feels good to just get this out. Yes, its a childish matter, but it is something that matters to me, so its not so childish to me. Not to mention the fact, that I was raised to take care of others belonging, heck technically, my mom didn't want me to borrow anything, just for reasons such as this. Lesson learned. Now when I consign or donate items, I make sure the family or cause is worthy. Too many people out there take advantage of our system, use their childrens' sickness to get sympathy, pity and help. It sickens me that people like this exist. But day by day, I am still teaching myself that God will be the judge not me, til then I will just blog about it all.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Six years with the one I!!

August 6, 2011 was mine and Nick's 6 year wedding anniversary. Wow, it really seems like it was just the other day that we met, got engaged and started our lives together. It was funny because we actually spent our anniversary in 96, Nicks parents agreed to babysit for us so we could have a night out...well the funny part is, we stopped by our old townhouse, and I reminded Nick that at that time 6 yrs ago I was getting dressed for our wedding, about to go crazy because of all the people in my house!!! And of course we were at his parents house around the time the festivities began...such wonderful, and some very funny memories. We had planned to go out to eat, meet up with some friends, come home by 10pm and just relax! Well, let me tell you that didn't happen!!! What a memorable night...well, sort of...don't remember everything...(bad mommy)

We left the kids playing in the pool and having a good time...and to begin with I was so tired and just wanted to go to bed, but its not often that we have a FREE we had to get out and do something. We started the night out visiting a few friends...had a few drinks, then heading into Greenwood, where my anniversary dinner was McDonald's drive thru! Yes, you read that correctly...but it was good...then we headed to Sports Break to have a few drinks and meet up with another couple. At first, I was still tired and then when Lauren and Jay arrived, I finally got my second wind! We had such a great time, just hanging out, talking, eating some wings...watching Jay beat Nicks high score on Pinball, with one of Nicks quarters...oh so bittersweet...and naturally, these two men are best friends and have grown up began the betting on push ups, pull ups and who knows what else...all the while I know Nick is drinking and going on no sleep...but the rivalry continued until they went out to the deck to give it a shot...just practice though...I promised I would not post the video, but well it was a hoot! By now, I am feeling great and the boys decide to play the way, I love, but only because I like the way it sounds when the balls hit one another!! I know, total blond!!! By the time we left it was way past our time to be home...but we were having a good time...we stopped by to see another friend, visited for abt 30 minutes...of which was in the ER parking lot and yes I walked my happy tail right through the doors of the ER and went straight to the bathroom and walked my happy self right back out...hehehe...okay, so after that it was I assume close to midnight...who knows, my watch batteries are all dead...Nicks too...but we decided what the hey, lets stop by the Palmetto Inn...never been there before...this is where it gets hazy and I get totally intoxicated...not a proud moment later in the night...It was a lot of was karaoke, I love karaoke...don't sing, but love to pretend when I am drinking!! Well, they found out it was our anniversary, they played "Wonderful Tonight" so we could dance...such a sweet gesture...and then the drinks and shots started coming!!! But while we were there, we called a good friend, Christopher, and he came out and hung out with was so good to see him, to see his face, to hear him talk, tell a joke, and just be you see this is Tuckers brother, and all those Tucker boys are alot alike...and it was just great visiting with the time we left, he offered to take us home, but I thought I was fine to drive...hahahahahahahahaha! But really I hate leaving my truck anywhere, especially if I have to go back the next day and get it...luckily, being the good friend he is, Christopher followed us all the way home, out of his way I might add...naturally, if I could redo it, he would have drove us home...but well, can't go back to yesterday!

We made it home nice and safe...this is where it really gets hazy...In all honesty, I don't think I have ever drank that much!!!!! (And no intentions to EVER do it again). I prayed to the royal thrown for sometime, and was hungover for about 2 days...but well we had a great time...but at the same time, it wasn't so fun when I had to get up the next morning with the kids...I actually asked for help, because everything was still spinning....I was so embarrassed and humiliated! I have never not been able to get up the next day and take care of my family, which I could have done, had this person notagree d to allow me to go back to sleep. I really felt bad...I was really hard on myself and well the guilt trip that I was given, I fell right into...I did my best to help and was actually told no, I have this...okay....

The comment was actually made to myself, and then later on to Nick, that this seems to be becoming a habit...WTC? First of all, we don't drink that much...second it was our anniversary, and third, you shouldn't agree to something if you don't want to do it...but that is my opinion...and of course I am sure there will be some repercussion for my posting this, but well, if I am going to truly talk about my life as I live it, then the bad comes along too...can't pretend I live in a sugarcoated world...Needless to say, I felt so guilty and awkward that I was ready to come home, but I had promised Nick he could sleep...however, he had forgotten that his schedule had changed! He was trying to sleep all day so he could go to work that night...I kept going in and out of the room telling him I wanted to go home, I wanted my surrounding's and what not...but being the laid back man that I married he told me to just ignore I tried...then when I apologized again for my actions, I was reprimanded for not having sex on my anniversary...and that is what someone would have done had it been their anniversary....Again, WTC? I straight up told them I would not have sex in my in laws house...that is just weird...anyways, long story short Nick finally got up and realized that he didn't have to work...we packed up the truck and came home...ahhh....I love my glad that we have decided not to move...grass is greener on the other side a little, but not when it comes to my home...I hope to see my friends more as planned...but I know they all have busy lives too...that's just what happens when you grow up and enter the real world...such a shame that kids today don't realize how good they have about 15 years they will realize it...

So that was my anniversary...I had a great time...drank entirely too reprimanded for not having sex...but at the end of the weekend, I was back home in my house...where no one can make me feel guilty...I know what this was an out there post...but well its the life I am living...and I am loving every minute of it...except for those 2 days I was, its time to get back into school and dance mode. Basically, it goes to show that I am still human, and make mistakes and learn from them...I can't be SuperMom if I can't stand up...

Friday, August 12, 2011

I know...I know...

It has been some time since I have written or typed a blog. I was trying to stay on top of it but well, you know, having 2 kids sometimes doesn't really allow for it! Not going to write much right now...but just wanted everyone to know that I am still here and I am still planning to continue my blog. So much has happened and I am trying to decide how to handle it when writing. Unfortunately, it will more than likely, be blunt, and right to the point...and well if you read it and know you are part of it, then oh well. I have hit my limit for apologies here lately that are unnecessary and I will not stand for it any longer...Some of you who are also on my fb, may have noticed some changes there as well...I deleted some ppl and also made my page a little more secure. I do apologize, but now you cannot tag anyone in my pics...I will do my best to tag you, but if I don't know you then you don't need to see the pictures. You can always ask about tagging someone. But for privacy reasons, I do not want strangers seeing all the pics...kind of ironic, huh...since I am writing a blog about my life!! lol!!

Hmm...I do know that when I come back and write I will have more than one post! Seriously, so much has happened over the last few weeks, but this past week has been great!! My niece Hannah, has been staying with me and hanging out! I have had so much fun! I can't believe how much she has grown. I remember the little curly haired toddler running around chasing Cody...and now she is becoming a beautiful, and very intelligent young lady!!! What can I say, I am one proud aunt!! I am proud of all my nephews too!!! Okay so like I said, gotta keep it short! Will return soon.....But here are a few of the pics I took of her and Ansley...