The Prochaska Family

The Prochaska Family
First Family Photos as a family of 4!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A guilty conscience needs no accuser.-Proverb

I thought I would start this blog a little differently than others, well at least different to me! For those of you reading my blog, I thought I would give you a little more background on myself. I know some of you already know this but there is always another point to my "madness."

I have always loved to write. Always. I have kept journals, some that got me in trouble with my from there I turned to poetry. I write what I feel at that moment, however, sometimes I have to cool down or well, it wouldn't be a good thing. Anyhow, so when I graduated high school and went to college, I finally decided upon Mass Communications as my major, in other words, journalism and broadcasting. I loved it! What a great field to go into for a person that loves to write!! So, basically what I am saying here is, well, I will continue to blog about my life as I live it. There is something that is just so calming about blogging, it's like therapy. No pretending, tell it like it is...use no names and let guilty ones weep in their own puddle. Fortunately, most everyone is familiar with our first know the one I am talking about..."freedom of speech." With that being noted, let me just say, do not ever call my phone again and threaten me. Personally, the way I see it, guilty people will always try to turn it around on you so you feel guilty for calling them out. Which brings me to another point, considering how far you are behind on reading my blogs, apparently a current reader filled you in. You know is all good. For you see, tonight when I lay down on my pillow, say my nightly prayers, and drift off to dreamland, my conscience will be clear. Okay, enough of that crap...let's  move on.

Believe it or not, Ansley has already missed her first day of school for this year. She has gotten a cold, and decided to bring it on home to the rest of the house! She was feeling so bad Thursday night and sleeping so rough that right before the alarm went off, she was sleeping so peaceful that I couldn't wake her. She needed that sleep. Well, at exactly, 7:55am, she came and wanted to know when we were leaving for school. I explained to her why she wasn't going, and it broke her heart! This child loves school and her teachers. Let's hope she keeps that attitude for the next 15 yrs or so!! Poor Adam has a runny nose...Nick is all stuffed up, Ansley is a little of both and for the moment I am okay, as long as I take my xanax, oops, I mean my Zyrtec! Whatever it takes to keep me sane....:)

We had a good weekend overall. Saturday we went to a friends birthday party, he turned 2 years old!! His mother and I met when Ansley and her daughter started taking dance last year. We decided that we were destined to meet and become good friends. Her daughter and Ansley are a year apart, and both our sons are also abt a year apart. This time last year when I was huge and pregnant with Adam, her little man was beginning to walk...and just to see how much he has grown over the last year! Wow!!! So we went to his birthday and celebrated and of course lets the kids play!! Now, I will not tell a lie, I had some fun with the sidewalk chalk...but the bubbles, not so much, my fat fingers couldn't get the stick out of the bottle! It was a good time. So you are probably asking yourself why were we destined to meet. I had a cousin who was abt my age, maybe a year younger or maybe a year older, I am not exactly sure. We had met a few times. He was a great guy, handsome, but would you expect anything else from our was in college when the accident happened. I remember finding out about Gabe's passing, and then having to go and take the Praxis. We never know why God chooses to take the good ones, but sometimes its the best ones he takes, but having faith in God allows us to know he is in Heaven, at peace and always with us. His name is Kenneth Gabriel, we called him Gabe, and apparently, I had a crush on him when we were little...not realizing we were cousins, but hey, this is the South....JUST KIDDING!!!! Okay, back on topic. It turns out my friend's son is named Bryson Gabrielle, and yes it is after my cousin. Wow, I thought to myself what a small world! Gabe's father is her uncle...anyways, she and I have really hit it off! She knows my aunt and uncle and I believe we have some other mutual friends and family. But over the last year she and I have gotten to be good friends, so have our girls...and just before school started, I reminded her that our play dates wont end...since our boys are so close in age!! I think it's great. I sit and think about 10 years from now, how they will all be playing...cheesy, I know, but I love it! So, anyway, we knew that we were destined to meet and become good friends!

On another note, Ansley went to bed tonight without her tv. Her sassy mouth, (I have no idea where she gets that from), once again got her in trouble. She has been talking back to mommy and daddy, nothing serious, but mumbling under her breath and occasionally saying rude comments. Tonight, her punishment was no tv. She cried for a bit, but by the time I was out of the shower she was fast asleep and I am willing to bet that she will be awake in the morning before the alarm goes off. Naturally, Adam went to bed with no problems, he is pretty good about taking naps and going to bed, though that may have jinxed it! Ha!! I will say that Ansley has been doing much better with napping.

That was our time, the best time. Now we are starting a new week, and on the calendar it doesn't look crazy, but I am sure that will change! Ansley starts dance on Tuesday, she is excited!! And I must say that I am happy about the time change!!! Her class is now earlier, which for a child her age, it makes the night easier on me...well, I think anyways!!!

I do have some prayer requests...first, please pray for my nephew Bradley, he broke his arm tonight outside playing, and can you believe that they do not set the breaks in the ER anymore?? Now they just stabilize it until you can get to an orthopedic doctor. Second, pray for some very close friends of mine, this coming Thursday would have been their son's 7th birthday. You can read about her journey here, it's entitled My life without Erik. We are going to celebrate his life, on Saturday at his Nana's house. Please pray that my children, and that includes the hubby, all begin to feel better soon, and that mommy doesn't catch it!!! And say a prayer for all those who need it, and because of Irene there are a lot of prayers that need to be sent up...and pray for those you may dislike, it wont hurt you, there is a reason people choose to lead the lives they live, we have to pray that they find their way to God. On that note, hope everyone has a fantastic week!