The Prochaska Family

The Prochaska Family
First Family Photos as a family of 4!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Seriously, I wasn't scared....

First of all, lets give it up for me...a nice pat on the shoulder...this is the third night that I have sat down to write a blog!!! And life has been so crazy! I honestly think that you need at least one week to recuperate from vacation. My house is a mess, laundry needs to folded, put away, and more loads down...and well that list could go on!! But I am hoping that next week life will start to level out some! Ha!! Okay, I know that really wont happen but a girl can dream, right?

I have a few things to write about...but I will start with my little baby boy...Lately he has been sleeping a lot!!! And I thought that maybe he was just catching up on sleep he didn't get while we were on vacation, but still the mother in me just felt like something might be wrong. It just so happened that he had his 9 month well check up today. He weighs 21 pounds, and he is 28.5 inches long. His height is average, his weight is in the 75th percentile and well his head, which is NOT small, is only in the 15th percentile, but the doctor said its just the shape of his head...he is normal! Yay, all good news...he didn't have to any immunizations today but he did have to have his hemoglobin checked. I had a feeling it would be low. They took the blood and sent us on our way, saying they would call if there was a problem. Whelp, they called...and they nurse asked me how I was doing, I told her umm, not too well considering I was just there and now you are calling me. Anyways, the point is his iron is low. He has to take OTC iron supplement drops and then they will recheck him at 15 months. The light bulb went off...I asked could this be why he is sleeping so much...and of course the response was yes! I had to take iron supplements while pregnant with him because mine was bottoming out. So hopefully, we will get all that sorted out and taken care of! And he also has another central incisor coming through the skin on the left side. Wow, this kid is popping out some teeth! I don't remember Ansley getting them back to back like this....but all children are different especially ours!!

Okay, so there is no easy way to say this...but I am going to try....first of all I am not racist. I have many black friends that I love dearly!! So, please do not think that I am stereotyping, I would have reacted the same way with white people. And heck, either way...I reacted wrong!!! No secret, that Nick is now working in Greenwood at Eaton Electric, and he started working 3rd shift this week. No big deal. I am not afraid to stay by myself, he has worked 3rd before and I was just fine! Okay, so late last night, I was on the computer blogging and goofing off, but I had left the tv on in the living room. There was a knock at the front door. I asked who is which he replied Trey...and I wasn't sure if it was my cousin...but none the less I went upstairs to get the gun for safety kids are in this house, and I must protect them. Well, to my surprise, the gun wasn't there...Nick had taken it to work...well, they already knew someone was home so I had to go to the door...I cracked it open and there were 2 young black males standing there, very polite...he asked to use the phone because his car ran out of gas at the bottom of the hill...and he tried other neighbors houses but they didn't answer. Again, I am not scared, I don't have any bad vibes, but you never I allowed him to use my phone....while he stood outside on the porch...the family that he called wouldn't come get him...pretty crappy, if you ask me...well, while he was on the phone, I turned all the lights on outside and in the living room. I shut and locked the front door and went out to the garage. I gave him our gas container and told him this should hopefully get you to a gas station or where ever they were going. All I asked is that they set it on the front porch when they were finished. Still not scared...don't feel threatened...nothing at me I was helping someone in need. Might not have been my smartest move but well, I didn't think it through. Needless to say today I told my mom about it and she flipped out...was totally scared enough for all of us...and wanted Glen to come and stay with me for a few nights and also bring me another hand gun. I wasn't afraid and I told her that...and I refuse to be afraid in my home...but I did want the hand gun! lol...This way Nick can carry his with him to work and I can have one here at the house. Then my mom made me realize that I was hearing some noises around the house just before they showed I am a little shaky...Great!!! Later that day I ran into a neighbor from down the road who proceeded to tell me about a break in and murder just down the now I am really shaking...first thing I do is call a good friend to make sure the person had been caught, and they had. But still these 2 young men were well mannered, polite, they weren't "thuggish". Turns out the man murdered was my pastor's wife's uncle...and the kid was a Laurens HS graduate...all this had taken place and I didn't even know it...tells you what world I live in!!! (mine) lol!!

So anyways, now I have a gun here at the house...just in case, which is what I wanted in the first place...but wow, you can go from not being afraid to absolutely freaking out after talking to people!! They did return the gas container, but Nick said the car was still at the bottom of the hill, so something else must be wrong...I feel like I did a good thing, I believe God would have intervened and made me feel a little strange had I needed to be on guard...And to be really honest, the only part that bothered me was the area that they were heading too. Its not very nice...but again that is judging and I don't want to do that. Those people have a roof over their head, and who am I to judge. But needless to say I did get quite the adrenaline rush...and didn't fall asleep until 3:30am...boy was I tired...this has been a long day...and I do believe that I am going to call it a night. I have got to catch up on some zzzzzzz's!!!

So here's hoping to the plan of blogging nightly...just about my I feel, and all that jazz!!! And I have decided that if I want to talk about some of the things that happened to me growing up I feels good to get them out in the open, and then leave them behind...I have kept so much bottled up for so long, it was beginning to wear me down, but that is what Satan wants, but not me! I love my life, and without all those incidents, "fights", and so on, I would not be Mrs. Tara Ashmore Prochaska...a wife, mommy, sister, friend, aunt, daughter and all those other things I am!!!