During the month of November there are 30 days. Each day on my facebook page I am going to give one reason I am thankful, even though I could name hundreds. Once the month is complete I will put the list here on my blog. It will be neat to see what I am thankful for, and what others are thankful for!
I have started running this week. I am in total shock! I can actually run a mile or more and not stop...I can run the entire time. Patting myself on the back for this one. Hopefully I can get my friend Suzanne to join me or even Nick, but I will walk if Suzanne wants too, just to have some girl time!! I am feeling great, just really need a new wardrobe!!lol
Also, finally Nick is with a company that throws a Christmas party for their employees! I am excited. I have really missed the Fuji Christmas parties!! Guessing I will have to get a nice spray tan...lol, and hmm...what dress to wear...I am thinking a black strapless but who knows! Just excited to go.
We just had Halloween...Ansley was an Ocean Fairy, and Adam was a soldier, an adorable one at that!!!!!
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This is all I could, with the 2 of them side by side!!! |
November is a busy month for us...lots of birthdays, including mine...Nicks, my mother in law and also 2 of our great friends. I have a few baby showers to attend, that excites me, since mine are growing up! My neighbor who keeps the kids is having a little girl...I am so excited...I will get to have the new baby feeling again, but get to send her home!! HA!!! November is also a time where we reflect, and give thanks (at least for me) for allowing us all to be a part of a special little mans life, Erik Quarles. This year on the 15th it will be 2 years since he has gained his wings, though I know his mother feels his presence all the time! I am praying for her, and if you would do the same that would be great! We all need prayers said for us, and sometimes others see what we can't and know what to pray for!
Funny story, I went to my therapist last week, his specialty is anxiety, which I have and it just seems to be getting worse as I get older...Lord, help me when Ansley is a teen, or heck, a pre-teen!!! We were discussing some of my issues and how they are brought on and then they just keep building from that point...he looks at me and says, "You need to change your thinking." WTC? Much easier said than done. Don't you think that if it were that easy I would have already done that?? Well, that just added to my anxiety...but in my head, I thought to myself, well it was nice working with you, but if that is your idea of helping, this is a waste of money and time...but like I said it was a funny story!!!
I seriously can't believe that number one my birthday is just around the corner and I will be 32...so old....ugh, and then that Christmas will be here before we know it...but before that I have Ansley's birthday~kinda excited about that one! It should be fun...just 6 girls having a little spa/princess party. I have been buying items here and there for the party...and let me tell you, I have had so much fun!!!! I just need to get a few more things...I am hoping that other moms will hear about it and want to have a party like this for their daughter!! My friend and I are up for it and would love to do a party for others, a slumber party, tea party, princess/spa party...loads of fun!!!
No secret, I have always been a big Harry Potter fan...well, I still haven't seen The Deathly Hallows part 2, and I own all the movies but that one!!! So hopefully, it will be wrapped for my birthday or Christmas. But the shocker is, that I have become addicted to the Twilight Series!!! It came on FX the other night, and I started watching it, got really interested in it and then all of a sudden it went to Spanish. I was not a happy camper. So first ting Monday morning I went to the library and checked out the DVDs, so I am caught up and ready for the new one, that will have a midnight showing on my birthday which I hope to make it too...meanwhile I have started reading the books, they are always better...so much more detail!! But really, ummm, to be 17 or 18 the rest of my life, or hundreds of years...oh the possibilities...definitely would have to see the dr about those female organs, eventually, after a couple hundred years, I do believe the monthly thing would be quite annoying...but having that body, that energy and those hormones...wow, the things I could do to Nick!!! So, I guess you could say I am Team Edward all the way...plus, I am not too keen on the smell of wet dog...Ahhhh, I can't wait to see the new movie and read the books! Which is where I am off to now...just started the first one...and I already don't want to put it down!!!
And one more thing....I am so ready for a vacation to Charleston!!!!! Remember to be thankful each day this month, and all year long! We are all so blessed each in so many different ways.
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