Wow, what a whirlwind it has been the last few weeks. It had me almost wondering if my anxiety meds were really working! I know this blog is about my life and what happens, but unfortunately, I can't really discuss a certain situation. So why I am writing about it to really write around it, you may ask? Well, lets just say it truly had an impact on me. It definitely made me think, and begin to reevaluate a few areas in my life. I like to think of it as a wake up/warning call from God. And why yes, I most definitely took the hint or kick in the butt rather! All in all lets just say it turned out positive. Last week was hectic. Just the thought of it alone had my anxiety rushing. Somehow, all of my appointments got scheduled in the same week, we had visitation from Ansley's teachers, a playdate and went to my moms in there too. The playdate was a blast. We went to the Children's Museum in Greenville, and I think we had just as much fun as the kids did...including Adam, looking forward to going back there again.
Speaking of Ansley and her teachers, let me tell you about an incident. For those of you who actually know Ansley, she is a very intelligent and well behaved 3 yr old. Now of course we have our issues, but that is normal. Anyhow, she is a part of the 3K program at Woodruff Primary School, which it seems that if you ask any moms out there in the community, this program is for slow children, behavioral problems and so on. (I think you get the point). It is a horrible stigma that is attached to this program. My daughter is none of the above. As of today there are only 4 students in her class, and I believe there can be 10. These children are tested and selected for the program. Now yes, some of the children do need help in some areas, for example, my nephew, was a part of this class and he went to speech. Well, trying to make a long story short...another parent just really ticked me off. At first she was interested in trying to get her child into the program, but when I asked how the testing went, I was told that she wasn't going through with it. She had been informed that program could actually have the opposite affect on her child. These children in this program were "slow", had behavioral issues, and for the most part aren't disciplined at home. I was really offended. My daughter has learned so much in this class. She can already write the letter "A", recognize it in words along with many other letters. She still uses her manners, behaves, and is no way affected by undisciplined children. What an awful way to categorize children. It just makes me so angry that some of these parents are so uppity that they are too good for certain programs, and not mention people! I am thankful for the opportunity given to Ansley to start school, she loves it and it gives me a couples hours in the am to get things done. Okay, stepping down from that soap box.
Ansley's first day of school |
Speaking of school, Monday was her first day. She was too cute and super excited! I asked if she wanted me to walk with her to her classroom and she quickly told me, "No mom, I know where my class is." Most parents are crushed, I was okay...more amazed at her answer than anything! She loves school! She talks about how she plays on the playground, reads books, eats a snack and she drinks her milk cold! Which you see is a big deal, because here at home, it must be warm for her to drink it. Tonight she told me that she likes it cold, but that I can continue to warm it up, that is okay with her! She cracks me up sometimes! We have been trying to get her into a routine each day and night, but last night she picked up the phone, (when she was supposed to be asleep) and hit redial, luckily my brother was the last person I had talked too, so she called him and talked to him and Bradley. And then tonight the phone rang and it was her Uncle Mike, Nicks brother, she answered the phone then!!! (Again, she was supposed to be sleeping). Sitting downstairs on the couch I could hear her talking to her dolls and stuffed animals and then silence...she must have finally fallen asleep. That child is one big bubble full of energy. If only I could just borrow some of it, maybe the house would be cleaner...dinner would be cooked, clothes folded and put away...then again who am I kidding...I have kids, my house is clean compared to what it could be!!!
Over the weekend we had company, some friends of ours, and their little girl Ellie. Her mom and I go back to our freshmen year at Lander where we both cheered on the cheerleading squad, pledged ZTA, and became roommates! And now we have signed our little girls up for dance!! And they both will be taking the same class!!! I love it! It was a good day...after dance registration, the girls played and we ate steak, yummy!!! Then we just relaxed the rest of the day! I couldn't have asked for a better weekend or better friends! I also went to college with her hubby, and Nick has been playing softball with him the last year and a half.
I think that about catches me up. I know I mentioned a incident with another cousin but never went into any specifics, I am trying to decide if she is really worth my time blogging about. When basically, it boils down to her being a habitual liar, and unfortunately uses her children's illnesses to get attention...however, for the record, I am very glad that her children are okay and that her son is in remission since he started treatment. But as an individual, she is not someone I want to be associated with. And really the whole incident was childish, but I had enough of her lies. I just can't wrap my brain around habitual liars and why they do it.
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Red hair |
I am planning to try and post more often, but believe it or not, I am exhausted. I have been getting up, granted its only been 2 6:45am and getting monkee ready for school and then feeding Adam. But it still makes for a long day. And I quite proud of myself, I have gotten up with no problems, and the same with monkee! Oh, and I have to say that I have the greatest hubby in the world. He came home from picking up Ansley from my moms on Friday and surprised me with a massage!! He had made the appointment while he was out! Oh, it was come its one of those addictions that you don't ever want to end!!! Also, I decided to color my hair...I was bored. Normally, I am dirty blonde, and usually lighten it...well not this time. I let Nick pick out the color, and he chose that's right, my hair is red!! We have a busy few weeks ahead of us...with school, dance and birthday parties!! The life of a parent, there is never a dull moment! I love it.
Also, please say a prayer for some of my friends. One friend has chosen to leave her husband, a decision that was a good choice for her but very hard. She really needs uplifting. An another friend who is fighting to her daughter back. She already has full custody, but if I understand correctly, she moved out of state, but allowed the dad to have his visitation and now he wont allow her to come home. Amazing isn't it. Sometimes the laws of our country are just downright stupid! And remember to smile and kill them with least that is what I am learning to do, that and delete them on facebook!!
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