Well, today driving home from our play date, I thought to myself that I needed to post a blog about happy things. I don't want my friends and followers to think that everything in my life is bad, that I am unstable and could possibly crack at any moment....okay well that last part might be true!! Just kidding...I am utilizing this blog to share with you the bad times I endured, the heartache I felt about losing my dad and the love that I share with my wonderful hubby Nick and our 2 beautiful children.
I didn't get the chance to tell you all about Ansley's first dance recital. Poor thing was getting over a stomach bug and strep throat, but she was a trooper!!! In the beginning, I must admit I was the mom that said no way to make up...Ansley is only 3 years old she is beautiful just the way she is...well, by the time recital came around we had started playing with different hair styles, super curly is how she liked it...me I think she is beautiful just the way God made her....but anyhow, we ended up with 2 pigtails, and then curled the pigtails...we put on make up and dolled her all up...she loved it. To this day while I am in the bathroom getting ready she comes in with me and has to also get ready. Gosh, it seems like it was only yesterday that we brought this teeny tiny little baby home from the hospital. She was born December 17, 2007...19 inches long and weighed 6 pounds 13oz...She was so little! And perfect! The first Prochaska girl in over 60 years...and yes you did read that correctly. To all of us moms and dads our child is perfect in all that they do...and for me Ansley is no exception. She started 3k at Woodruff for the last semester of school and will start in August this year and go all year. I was super excited...for various reasons, one, I would get a break and some time to spend with Adam and two, she was going to meet new friends and start learning!! Who knew she was going to follow in her mommy's footsteps and love school!!! Each night we would have to pick out her outfit from head to toe...and she would put on her chair, I was the same way. I laid my clothes out every night as well...Sometimes its still hard to believe that I am a mom, a mom of 2, and married. I am so blessed, I really am. I know I had a rough time growing up and losing friends and then my dad, but through it all I have been blessed. I was so excited about having a baby girl...like I said the first in over 60 years on the Prochaska side...now granted she will be a tomboy/princess...and yes she can pull that off!! I wanted everything pink!!! Funny, you don't think about your next pregnancy and how it might not be another girl...and well that was very far away. I was given and bought the most adorable little girl clothes...I loved to dress her...now she barely lets me pick out her outfit!!! But I will say that Ansley has good fashion taste...but I still get to help pick them out...My little monkee, already 3...where does the time go! Like I said she loved school and can't wait to go back. We practice singing our ABC's and 123's everyday! She can already tell you what her name starts with and point it out to you!!! We are working on learning to write her name and spell her name this summer. Plus, as we travel we get to mail in post cards to the school....and the winner will get a gift card for Toys R Us...hoping to win the historical category with Star Fort in 96! But its so much fun to see her eyes light up when she is singing or when she figures something out by herself. Of course she is only 3 so we do have our MELTDOWNS!! I am trying to keep her busy this summer...scheduling play dates, which I can't lie are also beneficial to me...its so nice to talk to other moms...you really learn a lot!! We are very proud of Ansley, for the last 2 weeks she has worn her big girl panties to bed and no accidents!! So proud!!! I was told that she is beginning to look like me...I can see it, but I still think she looks like her daddy, and of course my handsome lil man looks like me and my dad...but he is going through a Prochaska phase...when he smiles he looks like his daddy! I am so thankful that God brought Nick and I together. I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else. But I will save our story for another time. So Ansley is growing up...she is very smart...she beginning to learn her manners, but boy does she ever pick on her brother...and I am telling you, she has no idea what she is in for in a few months!!!
Adam, awe, where can I start...he is a mommas boy, well at least to me he is...and I love it...I love how he smiles from ear to ear when I go into to get him up in the mornings. But just like with Ansley it is all going by so fast...sometimes I have to stop, and just breath it all in and just look at my babies. He cut his first tooth in April, and actually he cut his second tooth that same week....so he has 2 bottom teeth, and he loves to bite whatever comes near his mouth...like my toes one night!!!! OUCH! My best friend Ash got married on April 30, well Adam was beginning to make some moves towards crawling when we took him to his grandparents in 96 and when we picked him up, he was crawling everywhere...and well, I think its funny...but his big head will get him off balance and down he goes. I don't worry too much about it tho, because I know the Prochaska head is hard....and I mean hard...my nephew, Chase, fractured my nose when he was 2...it still hurts!! Okay, so we get back home and Adam is crawling everywhere, then all of a sudden he is pulling himself up to standing...ALREADY!!!! I am thinking out loud, no Adam not yet..give me some more time!! I was 8 months old when I started walking...Adam will be 8 months on June 14~I am going to have to start planning his birthday soon...yes, I am OCD...and will begin looking at themes and what have you, to start planning...anyways, now not only is Adam crawling all over the place, Ansley has taught him to pull up on the stairs...furniture, whatever he can and now he walking along the furniture...I am so sad....my little baby is no more...and well for the record he was never little!!! He was born October 14, 2010 21 inches long, 9 pounds 2oz. This boy came out ready to play football...luckily I brought 2 outfits to the hospital because one of them was too small!! I still have loads of newborn diapers...never got to use them...clothing was so much easier with Ansley, she was right in her age/size range, while monster Adam is not...He will be wearing 12 months soon....(and I will throw this in...we love hand me downs...so if you have a boy or girl and want to unload some clothes, leave a comment). Clothes are so expensive...so we are always up for exchanging cloths!!
Those are my loves...Ansley and Adam, and yes that was planned...Ansley Danielle, she is named Danielle after my father who was Daniel, and we both liked Ansley because it was different! And of course the second one had to have an A name...so he was named after his daddy Nicholas Adam, and his grandpa Clarence Joseph, thus we have Adam Joseph....I love it. Ansley actually likes to call him Adam Josie....but like I said earlier, she is going to feel the wrath of Adam before too much longer...I mean seriously, 3 years apart but only a 10 pound difference in weight!!! These two little monkees are the reason I get up in the morning and sleep at night...I love to hear Ansley tell me how much she loves me, which is usually to the moon and back....gotta love that book, guess how much I love you! She gives great hugs and kisses, and the conversations she can have...that's a whole other story in itself. Eventually, I will go back to work at least part time, but right now I am working full time at home with my family...and yes it is a very demanding position...but I love it!!
Oh, and on the OCD note...our dog is also Amaretta....all A's...weird, I know! Well I hope I didn't bore you and that you were able to see side of me that isn't depressed or upset. But completely opposite...I thank God every day for the life he has blessed me with...We are the Prochaska's!
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